Este islote posee un centenar de
casas, enfrente del golfo de Morrosquillo, Colombia pero no hay espacio para
cultivar, ni criar animales. Cada habitante tiene 20 metros cuadrados de
En la década de los 50, hubo un
incendio en el islote y se llevó a todos los animales que se criaban así como
las pocas casas que había.
En el 2013 se hizo un censo de la
isla y se fijó la población en 492 personas. Según los isleños, no eran visibles para el Estado salvo para época de
Los recursos naturales como agua,
la pesca…se están agotando y la población no puede o no debería crecer más.
Pero la harmonía y cohesión social que existe en la isla hace que vivir en ella
sea un ejemplo de civismo y supervivencia. Sin embargo, la degradación del
entorno existe y no se puede hacer demasiado por mejorar esa situación.
Las calles son estrechas pero el
pueblo es pobre y está olvidado por el propio gobierno pero todo avanza y hay
pequeñas mejoras como una pequeña población matriculada en la universidad hay
un médico cinco días al mes aunque tienen una enfermera y un auxiliar. Aunque
el mayor problema es el turismo que no hace más que agravar los problemas.
Hay casas que cuelgan al mar,
aunque ha ido comiendo terreno al mar. La mitad de la isla es artificial. Nadie
tiene títulos de propiedad..
Aunque como comenté el mayor
problema radica en la visita de turistas y visitantes llevados por el eslogan
de “ISLA MAS POBLADA DEL MUNDO” y prosiguiendo con su viaje hacia los parques
de corales de San Bernardo.
Pero ninguno es capaz de ver cómo
sale el sol, como regresan los pescadores o la tranquilidad de su gente y vidas.
Montserrat A
IN 1880 a fisherman decided to
spend a few days on the island because he was safe from mosquito pests. It was
a place free of bugs. This island is located in the Caribbean. It is one of the
10 islands that make up the San Bernardo Archipelago. It has one hectare but
its great enemy is Tourism, not its population density. When there is a burial
the whole island is accompanied although the burials, properly speaking, are
not made on this island but in another that is nearby and is full of vaults and
tombstones. It is called Tintipán and where the sloops bring neighbors to the
funeral days.
This islet has a hundred houses,
in front of the Gulf of Morrosquillo, Colombia but there is no space to cultivate
or raise animals. Each inhabitant has 20 square meters of space.
In the 50s, there was a fire on
the islet and took all the animals that were raised as well as the few houses
there were.
In 2013 a census of the island
was made and the population was set at 492 people. According to the islanders,
they were not visible to the State except for the time of elections.
Natural resources such as water,
fishing ... are running out and the population can not or should not grow more.
But the harmony and social cohesion that exists on the island makes living in
it an example of civility and survival. However, the degradation of the
environment exists and there is not much that can be done to improve that
The streets are narrow but the
town is poor and is forgotten by the government itself but everything
progresses and there are small improvements such as a small population enrolled
in the university there is a doctor five days a month although they have a
nurse and an assistant. Although the biggest problem is tourism that only
aggravates the problems.
There are houses that hang to the
sea, although it has been eating land to the sea. Half of the island is
artificial. Nobody has property titles ..
Although as I mentioned the
biggest problem lies in the visit of tourists and visitors led by the slogan of
"ISLA MAS POBLADA DEL MUNDO" and continuing with their trip to the
coral parks of San Bernardo.
But none is able to see how the
sun rises, as fishermen return or the tranquility of their people and lives.
Montserrat A
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