del ser humano, considerando su bienestar y potencialidades para reconstituir
la armonía del cuerpo, emociones y alma. El especialista, entonces, sólo es el guía de
ese proceso.
La nutrición clásica, basada en
el conocimiento racional y la
comprobación científica, ha sido válida hasta el momento en que nos
identificamos con “La nueva visión del mundo, la cual se encuentra en plena
formación y se vislumbra ecológica, en un sentido profundo; en una que ve al
hombre como parte integrante de la naturaleza, en armonía con ella y no fuera o
por encima de ella”. En ese momento surge imperiosamente la necesidad de
integrarla en nuestro quehacer cotidiano.
El ser humano tiene la
responsabilidad de elegir la combinación de alimentos que lo favorezcan, y es
esa elección –influida por la cultura,
la tecnología, los medios de promoción, los horarios laborales, la moda, la
educación, las creencias, los estados anímicos, patrones inconscientes- la que puede desvirtuar el resultado.
La capacidad intuitiva y natural,
raramente prevalece, como sucede por ejemplo en la madre embarazada o nodriza
que apetece ciertos alimentos que le aportan nutrientes especialmente
necesarios durante ese período.
Por ejemplo en casos de resfriados,
en el que naturalmente deseamos jugo de limón o naranjas para satisfacer la
necesidad creciente de líquido y vitamina C. Ese potencial sensitivo del ser
humano ha sido reprimido en nuestra cultura “patrística”, jerárquica, racional.
Fuente: Elvira Duran.
Verduras, frutas y hasta la clara
de huevo, son fuentes de sustancias esenciales para el cuerpo; pero sobre todo
se destacan por su alto contenido en agua y bajo valor energético, ideal para
llenarse sin engordar.
A diario perdemos alrededor del
20% del agua alojada en el cuerpo, razón por la cual, se deben compensar no
solo a través del consumo de agua, sino también de la alimentación. Acompañar
una dieta con alimentos de alto contenido de agua ayuda a prevenir la deshidratación del cuerpo
y a tener un fuerte impacto sobre la saciedad. El agua, como uno de los
componente principales de ciertos productos o incluida en la elaboración
culinaria, permite incorporar volumen pero no energía, reduciendo el valor
calórico de la comida. Por lo tanto, es posible comer más sin sumar calorías.
Alimentos ricos en agua
Uno de ellos es la Piña. Posee
propiedades antiinflamatorias y dificulta la formación de coágulos sanguíneos.
Por otro lado, la piña es muy usada en las dietas para bajar de peso debido a
su riqueza en agua; actúa en un 90% como un diurético natural. Sus vitaminas y
minerales son buenos depuradores de la sangre.
Beneficios generales
La piña regulariza los ciclos menstruales y está
recomendada por muchos médicos para aliviar los cólicos, los trastornos
biliares, los vómitos y la insuficiencia de ácidos y jugos pancreáticos.
Por sus propiedades, el zumo de piña es bueno
para calmar la tos y las molestias de garganta . Además, tiene la capacidad de
actuar como expectorante y de combatir
los parásitos intestinales.
Por otro lado, es útil para evitar el
estreñimiento y, en algunos casos, puede usarse para tratar el asma. .
Consejos culinarios
Es importante no cocinar la fruta para no
destruir las enzimas, y es aconsejable comer la pulpa o tomar el zumo ante de
las comidas.
Cuando elija una piña fíese que la cáscara tenga
un color uniforme sin manchas ni golpes y con un aroma dulce e intenso.
Sus hojas tienen que tener un color verde, y
trate de no retirarlas hasta el momento
de consumirlo.
Aporte nutricional de 100 gr de piña
x 100g
de Carbono
Holistic Nutrition is focused on the process of human power, considering its potential to reconstitute welfare and harmony of the body, emotions and soul. The specialist, then, only the guide that process.
The classical nutrition, based on sound knowledge and evidence has been valid until such time that we put on "The new world view, which is in full training and ecological looms, in a profound sense, in one that sees man as part of nature, in harmony with it and not outside or above it. " At that time the need arises urgently integrate it into our daily lives.
Human beings have the responsibility to choose the combination of foods that favor, and it is this choice, influenced by culture, technology, media promotion, working hours, fashion, education, beliefs, moods , unconscious patterns, which can distort the result.
The intuitive and natural ability, rarely prevails, as for example in the pregnant mother or nurse who want certain foods that provide nutrients especially needed during this period.
For example in cases of colds, which naturally want lemon or orange to satisfy the increasing need for liquid and vitamin C. That potential sensitive human being has been repressed in our culture "patristic", hierarchical, rational.
Source: Elvira Duran.
Vegetables, fruits and even egg white, are sources of essential substances for the body, but above all stand out for their high water content and low in energy, ideal for filling without gaining weight.
Daily lose about 20% of the water accommodated in the body, which is why, should be compensated by not only water consumption but also food. Accompany a diet with foods high in water helps prevent dehydration of the body and have a strong impact on satiety. Water, as one of the main component of certain products or included in the culinary preparation, but can incorporate energy volume, reducing the caloric value of the food. Therefore, you can eat more without adding calories.
Foods rich in water
One of them is the Pineapple. It has anti-inflammatory properties and makes the formation of blood clots. On the other hand, the pineapple is widely used in diets to lose weight due to its richness in water by 90% acts as a natural diuretic. Its vitamins and minerals are good blood purifiers.
General benefits
• Pineapple regularizes menstrual cycles and is recommended by many doctors to relieve colic, biliary disorders, vomiting and failure of acids and pancreatic juices.
• Due to its properties, the pineapple juice is good for calming coughs and throat discomfort. It also has the ability to act as an expectorant and to combat parasites.
• Furthermore, it is useful to prevent constipation and in some cases, be used to treat asthma. .
Cooking tips
• It is important not to cook the fruit to not destroy enzymes, and it is advisable to eat the pulp or juice before taking meals.
• When choosing a pineapple shell put your trust that is uniform in color without spots or bumps and with a sweet aroma and intense.
• The leaves have to have a green color, and try not to remove them until the time of consumption.
Nutritional intake of 100 g of pineapple
Holistic Nutrition is focused on the process of human power, considering its potential to reconstitute welfare and harmony of the body, emotions and soul. The specialist, then, only the guide that process.
The classical nutrition, based on sound knowledge and evidence has been valid until such time that we put on "The new world view, which is in full training and ecological looms, in a profound sense, in one that sees man as part of nature, in harmony with it and not outside or above it. " At that time the need arises urgently integrate it into our daily lives.
Human beings have the responsibility to choose the combination of foods that favor, and it is this choice, influenced by culture, technology, media promotion, working hours, fashion, education, beliefs, moods , unconscious patterns, which can distort the result.
The intuitive and natural ability, rarely prevails, as for example in the pregnant mother or nurse who want certain foods that provide nutrients especially needed during this period.
For example in cases of colds, which naturally want lemon or orange to satisfy the increasing need for liquid and vitamin C. That potential sensitive human being has been repressed in our culture "patristic", hierarchical, rational.
Source: Elvira Duran.
Vegetables, fruits and even egg white, are sources of essential substances for the body, but above all stand out for their high water content and low in energy, ideal for filling without gaining weight.
Daily lose about 20% of the water accommodated in the body, which is why, should be compensated by not only water consumption but also food. Accompany a diet with foods high in water helps prevent dehydration of the body and have a strong impact on satiety. Water, as one of the main component of certain products or included in the culinary preparation, but can incorporate energy volume, reducing the caloric value of the food. Therefore, you can eat more without adding calories.
Foods rich in water
One of them is the Pineapple. It has anti-inflammatory properties and makes the formation of blood clots. On the other hand, the pineapple is widely used in diets to lose weight due to its richness in water by 90% acts as a natural diuretic. Its vitamins and minerals are good blood purifiers.
General benefits
• Pineapple regularizes menstrual cycles and is recommended by many doctors to relieve colic, biliary disorders, vomiting and failure of acids and pancreatic juices.
• Due to its properties, the pineapple juice is good for calming coughs and throat discomfort. It also has the ability to act as an expectorant and to combat parasites.
• Furthermore, it is useful to prevent constipation and in some cases, be used to treat asthma. .
Cooking tips
• It is important not to cook the fruit to not destroy enzymes, and it is advisable to eat the pulp or juice before taking meals.
• When choosing a pineapple shell put your trust that is uniform in color without spots or bumps and with a sweet aroma and intense.
• The leaves have to have a green color, and try not to remove them until the time of consumption.
Nutritional intake of 100 g of pineapple
x 100g
de Carbono
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