quemar grasa y también a que nuestros músculos permanezcan firmes. Las proteínas pueden ser de origen animal y de origen vegetal por tanto, hablaremos de ambas y sugeriremos cuales serían las mejores para nuestro organismo.
Sin embargo,
las proteínas no solo sirven para las dos acciones que he comentado, también
proporcionan fuerza y son saciantes, es
decir, provocan una sensación de llenado que ayuda a ingerir menos comida y a
no tener sensación de hambre hasta bien pasadas bastantes horas. El motivo es
que nuestro estomago tarda más en digerirlo, eso significa que el organismo
necesita más energía.
Si hablamos de
cantidades, estas varían mucho según la edad, la estatura, el peso , nivel de
actividad física. En cualquier caso, este nutriente no debería suponer más del
15% de la energía total. La fórmula de
la obtención de gramos por dia sería la siguiente:
0.8gr de protéina x 60kg (peso corporal): 48gr de
proteína diaria

Los lácteos
son otra buena fuente de proteína y de alto valor biológico, calcio y vitaminas
del grupo B, A y D, aunque no hay que abusar de ellos debido al aporte de
grasas saturadas.
Los huevos es
otra opción, y mucho más saludable si evitamos comer las yemas.

Hay otros
alimentos como las legumbres que son grandes aportadores de proteínas pero hay
que combinarlas con otros alimentos ya que por sí mismas, no aportan metionina.
Consumir lentejas, alubias, garbanzos… una o dos veces por semana es una forma
muy saludable de conseguir proteína.
Los cereales
integrales son grandes aportadores de proteína aunque algunos son deficitarios
en lisina, excepto la quinoa que es una proteína completa. Aconsejo utilizarla
a menudo ya que su aporte alimenticio es muy completo.
Por último
mencionaré los frutos secos, que también aportan proteínas pero cuidado, con
estos productos ya que aportan muchas calorías. La ración sería de unos 25 gr y
si elegimos los cacahuetes, almendras, pistachos, anacardos o piñones,
elegiremos los frutos secos con mayor aporte protéico.
Espero que con
estas pequeñas pinceladas, puedas constituir tus propias dietas protéicas
aunque siempre es importante consultar a un especialista antes de poner en
marcha cualquier dieta.
Montserrat A
Everyone knows that protein helps us burn fat
and also that our muscles remain firm. The proteins can be of animal origin and
of vegetable origin therefore, we will talk about both and we will suggest
which would be the best for our organism.
However, proteins not only serve for the two
actions I have mentioned, they also provide strength and are satiating, that
is, they provoke a filling sensation that helps to eat less food and to have no
feeling of hunger until well after several hours. The reason is that our
stomach takes longer to digest it, that means that the body needs more energy.
If we talk about quantities, they vary greatly
according to age, height, weight, level of physical activity. In any case, this
nutrient should not suppose more than 15% of the total energy. The formula for
obtaining grams per day would be the following:
0.8gr of protein x 60kg (body weight): 48gr of
daily protein
We know that the origin of proteins can be of
animal and vegetable origin. Whenever possible, it is advisable to use those of
plant origin. Although choosing those of animal origin, if they are chosen well
they are very healthy. For example, choosing fish as a source of protein is a
good option, as well as white meats such as turkey, chicken, etc ... in any
case, you always have to cook them on the grill or in the oven avoiding fried
foods so as not to increase the power caloric.
Dairy products are another good source of
protein and of high biological value, calcium and vitamins of group B, A and D,
although they should not be abused due to the contribution of saturated fats.
Eggs are another option, and much healthier if
we avoid eating the yolks.
The vegetable protein is healthier but it does
not include all the essential amino acids, so to get a complete protein it will
have to be combined with other products. However, these proteins do not provide
saturated fat or cholesterol.
There are other foods such as legumes that are
great contributors of proteins but must be combined with other foods because
they do not provide methionine by themselves. Consuming lentils, beans,
chickpeas ... once or twice a week is a very healthy way to get protein.
Whole grains are great contributors of protein
although some are deficient in lysine, except quinoa, which is a complete
protein. I advise to use it often since its nutritional contribution is very
Finally I will mention the nuts, which also
provide protein but care, with these products as they provide many calories.
The ration would be about 25 gr and if we choose peanuts, almonds, pistachios,
cashew nuts or pine nuts, we will choose the nuts with the highest protein
I hope that with these small brushstrokes, you
can build your own protein diets although it is always important to consult a
specialist before starting any diet.
Montserrat A
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